Born in Tokyo, Japan to Belgian and British parents, Lucy grew up at the intersection of three cultures and ways of life. She was lucky enough to have music-loving parents who constantly played music at home and during car journeys. She took lessons with Mr Yoshida, an inspiring clarinet teacher who loved Benny Goodman and Louis Sclavis.

As a teenager and in her early 20s, Lucy started to explore the music scene in Japan, visiting jazz bars, rock tribute bars, going to clubs, singing karaoke till the early hours of the morning, and attending jam sessions.

Lucy moved to London for her studies, and spent her 20s exploring the London music scene. She formed a band, Raka Balkan band with her university contemporaries, and played in many now-vanished venues, such as Passing Clouds (now The Jago), Balabam, and the old Jamboree. She also played in many swing formations, in famous venues such as The Quecumbar (also now gone), and many old pubs scattered around London. A brief spell also took her to Cork, where she continued to play in the Cork pubs, and learn from amazing musicians.

Now predominantly based in Brussels, Lucy continues to play in Belgium, UK, Ireland, and beyond. She loves moving about with her clarinet in her rucksack, turning up and playing her heart out. Lucy continues to develop her professional practice, studying Bulgarian folk in Plovdiv, attending Jure Pukl’s Jazz Klinik in Velenje, Slovenia, and studying improvisation with Aurelie Charneux.